I just saw Beowulf in IMAX 3D. It was pretty mind-blowing. I had very low expectations which tends to heighten the movie-going experience for me, but it was also just a fun wild ride of a movie with all the atmosphere you'd expect from a Neil Gaiman and Roger Avary combo; ie. super creepy and super violent. Peppered with moments of humor and just flat-out stunning fx. They added a lot of romance and intrigue to the rather flat storyline of the original (big time hero Beowulf fights a bunch of bad guys and--shocker--wins) and even #1 on my stinks-up-a-movie list Jolie was used to her full potential. If more casting people would realize just how much she looks like an alien, we'd see a lot more evil demon Angelina roles and be spared the Good Shepherds and Original Sins of this world.
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