Prior to trying Pinkberry I half fell in love with a new discovery that I believe exists only in NYC. It's called Yolato (yogurt+gelato, duh) and it's super-duper yummy. I say "half" fell in love because I only like two flavors: blackberry and hazelnut. Many of the others that I've been willing to try are actually quite disgusting (they have a "corn" flavor, but I didn't try it). Here's what Yolato definitely has over Pinkberry:
No lines. Slightly cheaper. More flavors. Better flavors (the good ones anyway). Better name. Less market saturation, meaning more franchising and investment opportunities! Influenced by the Italians.
But still, can't New York have just one stand out Ice-Creamery that comes close to matching the likes of Herrells, J.P. Licks (both in Boston), Barts (Northampton) or Mad Marthas (Martha's Vineyard)? Maybe the sunglass-wearing I-banker from Worcester doesn't appreciate Massachusetts, but nowhere I know of can compare when it comes to ice cream. Hands down.
gee-heapers, don't you guys have a hagen-dasz or a ben&jerry's in new york?
ps: mint-chip mini-cone
only 1.00 in Brunswick:
giant scoops (two) of mint chip
a top a long pointy wafer cone.
handed thru a little red-striped awning window
only giffords, but
beats the fla-fla Mad Martha, $teve Herrell, Bart$
weird flavor sticky crowded tourist spots
mint-chip mini-cone
mint-chip mini-cone
mint-chip mini-cone
my new mantra
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