After arriving back in Arequipa, we took it pretty easy, good food, a visit to the Museo Santuarios Andina to see a frozen Incan body recovered from a nearby volcano (Ahhh, ritual sacrifice!), some more good food (the food here is AMAZING) and strolling the streets. We reserved an AM bus to Cusco and headed to the hotel to turn in early, and as we checked in with the reception to pick up our tickets, H stepped on my foot.
Normally this wouldn´t cause more than a small squeal, but in this case my pre-injured toenail was no defense against a shoe and my nail tore completely off, blood flowing freely. We both overreactd a bit at the sight of crouching and crying and moaning and H pacing and also moaning. Thankfully the poor guy at the front desk had more poise than either of us and called a taxi to whisk us to the clinic across town. The pain really didn´t match the queasiness and fear I felt from looking down at my toenail sticking straight up and blood covering my sandal.

I hope someone with smaller feet finds them useful.
I was looking forward to some PAIN-free news,
now that you're out of the canyon.
At least you're getting lots of writing practice!
keep it coming.
Tim adn I are going to Bodega Latina today for a fried-chicken picnic in your honor. DO they eat yucca and plantains where you are?
I made peach smoothies last night! 4 ingredients: 1 blanched peach, 3 scoops cantaloupe, 4 ice cubes, 3 big spoons of vanilla ice-cream . . . straw is essential!
good for toenails I hear.
Good thingharris chose law, mot medicine. Use to be encounters with foreign doctors were about stomarch ills in Europe - this is a new one. It looks really painful. I'm glad you're out of sandals, and can continue a hiking life with the right gear. Will you show off your foot at your Mom's party? Love, Mir
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